Category: Campaign Branding

Uncover the secrets to building a strong and memorable political brand. Learn how branding can shape public perception, create a lasting impact on voters, and improve your chances for election victory.

The Power of Branding Your Political Campaign

It doesn’t matter if you are part of the establishment or a complete outsider; every political campaign needs a brand in order to effectively communicate with voters. Today, this is more than just a logo, colors, and slogan. How you act or... Read More

Choosing the Best Political Campaign Handle

Here’s a tip for creating social media handles for your political campaign: Pick a single name that’s going to last for both your campaign website and social media profiles. One frequent question we get when someone is starting a campaign... Read More

edit political candidate head shot

How Much Should You Doctor Your Candidate Head Shots?

Most political campaign websites include a photograph of the candidate in the site header. It’s usually a head shot along with a logo and usually some sort of background image symbolically related to the location. Often when we get a head shot in... Read More