Political Campaign Tips and Strategies

How Voter Questions Can Help Shape Your Campaign

How Voter Questions Can Help Shape Your Campaign

Polls and surveys can give you an idea of how your electorate feels about various issues. But the problem with this method is that you are framing the discussion by asking specific questions. What if you are completely missing the important issues... Read More

A List of Our Best Election Slogans

A List of Our Best Election Slogans

A good slogan enhances visibility and resonance with your electorate. Below is a list of election slogans for political candidates and campaigns. These focus on the theme of electing or voting for a specific candidate. These can be used for local,... Read More

Political Campaign Tip: Use A Consistent Ballot Name

Political Campaign Tip: Use A Consistent Ballot Name

What’s in a name? If you are running for office, it should be consistency. For example, if you are appearing on the ballot as “John Quincy Smith,”  don’t promote yourself as “John Smith” or “John Q. Smith.” Your political... Read More

Do Write-in Candidates Ever Win?

Do Write-in Candidates Ever Win?

A write-in campaign is a type of election in which people who are not on the ballot can nevertheless make themselves eligible to win by receiving enough valid write-in votes. Write-in campaigns are usually low-budget, grassroots efforts that take place... Read More