Political Campaign Tips and Strategies

A List of Our Best Sheriff Campaign Slogans

A List of Our Best Sheriff Campaign Slogans

As a candidate running for sheriff, you’ll want to stand out from your opponents. Good campaign slogans helps keep candidates in the minds of voters. As sheriff, your actions as the chief law enforcement officer in your county or city gives you... Read More

Online Political Candidate Training Programs

Online Political Candidate Training Programs

If you are considering a run for local or state office, you may not know where to start. From planning your campaign to getting out the vote, there is a lot to learn. There is more help than ever available for political candidates and potential... Read More

A List of Our Best School Board Campaign Slogans

A List of Our Best School Board Campaign Slogans

As a candidate running for school board, you’ll want to stand out from the other candidates. Good school board campaign slogans help keep candidates in the minds of voters. As a school board member, you will take an active role in your community.... Read More

Judicial Campaign Logo Design

Judicial Campaign Logo Design

The use of campaign logos for judicial elections is a relatively recent phenomenon and it has been found to play a significant role in the success of a campaign. A judicial campaign logo allows supporters to easily identify and associate themselves... Read More

Who To Contact If You Want To Run For Office

Who To Contact If You Want To Run For Office

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” This is an old Chinese proverb meaning that great things start from simple beginnings. Sometimes that first step begins with a basic question. If you want to run for public office... Read More

Starting a Local Grassroots Political Campaign

Starting a Local Grassroots Political Campaign

Starting a local grassroots campaign is challenging. But with commitment and the right strategy, you can make a meaningful impact in your community. This guide will walk you through the steps to successfully launch your local grassroots campaign, from... Read More

Reach Early Voters Online: Mail-In and Absentee

Reaching early voters is more important than ever, particularly for primaries and local elections, where voter turnout can make all the difference in winning. Two methods for casting a ballot during an early voting period: Registered voters that can... Read More