Political Campaign Tips and Strategies

Campaign Writing Can Make or Break a Vote

First impressions will make or break a voter’s support. The campaign material you distribute should always be your best work. Recently, a local candidate running for village trustee left some campaign literature at our door. I had not heard of... Read More

5 Tips To Mix Online Into Your First Fundraising Event

There is a lot of advice about planning and running your first fundraising event.  Conventional wisdom is that your initial fundraising event will provide the seed money to get things started, including starting your online presence. That’s not... Read More

Facing Down A Campaign Print Disaster

Here’s a problem a few of our clients have encountered: They’re all set to send out a candidate mailing when they realize that they have registered the wrong campaign domain name printed on the brochure! The horror! What could be... Read More

Post In Haste, Repent At Leisure

Think before you post. One of the most dangerous consequences of online campaigning is that anything and everything can be scrutinized. From offline speeches that are uploaded to YouTube to even the most banal social media posts, everything is fair... Read More

In Which Tense Should You Write Your Website Copy?

In Which Tense Should You Write Your Website Copy?

We’ve recently had a few clients reach out to us, concerned that their campaign websites are not ranking as well as expected for candidate name searches. Generally, this has to do with the age of the site, the existing content that ranks and... Read More