Political Campaign Tips and Strategies

Raising Political Donations Online
Running a successful political campaign costs money. A candidate needs to raise funds throughout the entire campaign. Over the last decade, the web has become a popular and powerful tool for political fundraising. As technical barriers have dropped,... Read More
Book Review – The Campaign Manager by Catherine Shaw
Our first book review is The Campaign Manager: Running and Winning Local Elections. In this book, author Catherine Shaw draws on experience from her three terms as mayor of Ashland, Oregon, and dozens of campaigns to provide practical, proven advice.... Read More
3 Dirty Tricks Political Candidates Pull Online
Here are three tactics that candidates sometimes to gain an online advantage over an opponent. These are three of favorite dirty tricks, but only one of these is really ‘dirty’, though. Guess which one! Stealing a domain name. This can be... Read More
Fundraising Letter Templates For Success
Campaign fundraising letter templates are a great tool to help craft an effective appeals for funding and donations. But as a tool, letter templates do have limits. For a campaign to truly succeed in raising funds and cash, your fundraising letters... Read More

Leveraging Campaign Yard Signs Online
In a tight race, you are always trying to get the edge over your opponent. One way to stand out is to combine offline campaign tactics with online ones. When field and the campaign’s web team are working together, great things happen. Campaigns... Read More
Tracking Your Campaign Video Success
Larger political campaigns have been using video for years now, but now even smaller campaigns are getting into the multimedia act. With the rise of YouTube and other video sharing sites, it’s easier than ever to store and share content. The most... Read More
Preparing for Candidate Name Searches
When voters begin searching for your campaign, are they finding what you, as a political candidate, want them to see? If you are not actively laying the groundwork of online content about yourself, you’re leaving it up to others to define you... Read More
Political Campaign Strategies That Stink
It’s something most voters claim to hate, but negative campaigning and mudslinging seems to rule American politics – from national campaigns right down to local elections. Unfortunately, these negative political campaign strategies and... Read More
Political Campaign Link-Building Tip: Related Blogs
Looking for links that will bring traffic and a positive mention? Consider reaching out to like-minded blogs and websites. With a little work and luck, you can help boost your campaign website’s rankings and pull in some additional visitors who... Read More
Who, What and Where of Your Campaign Site Visitors
To find out how many people are visiting your website, how they are finding you, and what they are doing once they arrive at your website, you’ll want to set up some sort of website analytics program. It’s not as hard as it sounds, and tool... Read More