Political Campaign Tips and Strategies
Generating an Online Signature
Many candidates use the home page of their campaign website to personally address voters or constituents. It’s a nice technique, but what kills the illusion of an online ‘letter’ is the lack of a handwritten signature. Here are a few... Read More
Dealing With The Local Media When Running for Office
The media, including newspapers, radio and television can be a great asset or a great big pain when running for local office. Often the only source of information local voters get about a candidate comes from the local media. Therefore, it’s... Read More

Tips for Creating a Great Campaign Brochure
When putting together your campaign brochures, you want to put your best foot forward. Your brochure may be the first, last, and only time you will reach a voter. Here are tips to creating an effective election brochure that will make a good impression... Read More

WordPress Political Website Templates
Online Candidate now offers WordPress political website templates for download by customers who are not Online Candidate® clients. These themes are designed for candidates or political parties with the resources to build their own websites but who... Read More

Get the Most From Your Campaign Yard Signs
Campaign yard signs are typically the first form of advertisement voters see from a political campaign. Having a successful sign placement strategy is vital to make sure the money spent on signs has a substantial impact on the voters. Name recognition... Read More
Local Campaign Letters to the Editor
When it comes down to it, letters to the local newspaper editor is a form of campaign advertising. Of course, the letters are the opinions of the writers, but they typically represent honest views and bring up points or subject matter not covered in... Read More

DIY Homemade Political Yard Signs
Homemade political signs can be useful for small to medium-sized campaigns. They are often used to supplement tradition printed yard signs. Making them requires little more than some materials, paint, stencils and time. Most campaigns purchase the bulk... Read More
Campaign Advertising in the Local Paper
Because local newspapers have a limited area of distribution, they can be an effective way to get your message across to local voters. Ethnic papers are also a great way to target a particular population in your district. Newspaper ads are usually sold... Read More
Never Turn Down a Campaign Volunteer
Political campaigns can attract all types of people, and you never know what somebody can bring to the table. If someone volunteers to help, never turn them down. If the person wants to do something that isn’t something you planned to do, try to... Read More
3 Online Strategies For Your Campaign’s Final Stretch
As Election Day grows near, reaching out to voters becomes more and more critical. There are the obvious ways of contacting them, such as through mailers and get-out-the-vote calling. Here are three ways to use your online resources to help get your... Read More