Political Campaign Tips and Strategies

Developing Strong Messaging for Your Political Campaign
In any political campaign, the goal is to persuade the public to vote for the candidate by delivering a persuasive message. For example, campaign websites serve as a central hub for communication, allowing candidates to convey their messaging... Read More

How Much Should You Doctor Your Candidate Head Shots?
Most political campaign websites include a photograph of the candidate in the site header. It’s usually a head shot along with a logo and usually some sort of background image symbolically related to the location. Often when we get a head shot in... Read More

9 Tips For Better Online Fundraising
Online fundraising has grown tremendously in the last decade. Campaigns and nonprofit organizations today can raise money with the click of a mouse or a tap of the phone. But raising money requires planning and skill. It’s not enough to just have... Read More

The Worst Advice We’ve Heard About Online Campaigning
Even though there is plenty of good information about politics and online marketing, a lot of bad ideas persist. Here are some truly bad assumptions about political campaigning. Some are misconceptions about online marketing, while other assumptions... Read More

The Toughest Job for Any Political Candidate
The hardest thing about running for office is asking for money. Unless you are independently wealthy or have generous benefactor, you will need outside financial sources to get your political campaign off the ground. The cost of election campaigns is... Read More

Primary vs. General Elections: Tailor Your Digital Campaign for Success
In the United States, there are two types of election campaigns: the primary and the general. This article explains their differences and how they affect your digital strategy. A primary election is an election of one or more candidates of a particular... Read More

Top Tips for Your Political Email Marketing
Political campaigns are always looking for new ways to reach out to potential voters. They are usually short on time, money, and resources, but they don’t want their message lost in the noise of the election season. This is why many marketing... Read More

Read Our Interview on WebsitePlanet.com
For those who are interested in the backstory of Online Candidate, check out our interview on WebsitePlanet.com. Please describe the story behind the company: What sparked the idea, and how has it evolved so far? A friend of ours ran for office way... Read More

Keep Your Campaign Material Original – And Avoid the Consequences
Here’s a reminder to make sure that you have the proper rights and permission for anything you use for your political campaign. The Internet makes it easy to lift language or text from other sources without attribution – and makes it just... Read More

Overcoming Online Fundraising Naysayers
Even years after digital campaigning has become mainstream, we still hear about some pushback that local candidates get for wanting to fundraise online. The argument is often made by a team member believing that the costs to fundraise online are too... Read More