As a candidate running for school board, you’ll want to stand out from the other candidates. Good school board campaign slogans help keep candidates in the minds of voters.
As a school board member, you will take an active role in your community. You will have a hand in the policies and issues that effect your local school district, teachers and students. Your election slogan should best reflect your priorities as a candidate.
Examples of our best slogan ideas for school board candidates:
- Better Schools For A Better Tomorrow
- Working for a Better Classroom
- Academic Excellence Today
- Putting Students First
- Make our Schools Great
- Restore our School District
- Working for Our Children
- A Positive Voice For Our Children
- Improve our Schools
- Valuing our Children’s Education
- Working for a Better District
- Protecting Your Tax Dollars
- Education is Key
- Hard Choices, Better Schools
- Common Sense Solutions
- Education First
- Better Schools for a Better Future
- Your Voice on the Board
- An Advocate for our Youth
- A Good Education is Elementary
- Accountability and Integrity
- Inspire our Students to Achieve
- Vote for Improved Education
- Raise Your Voice, Make a Choice
- Stop the Violence
- For a Smarter Curriculum
How to create a great campaign slogan that speaks to voters
- Come up with a few of the most important issues facing your school district. They may already be part of your school board campaign platform.
- Are there any hot topics that are of interest to voters and will inspire them to turn out at the polls? They may be the reasons why a parent is considering whether to send their child to your district. Other issues often include the school district’s budget, school safety and security, teacher quality or effective career paths for students.
- Brainstorm a few slogan ideas and refine them.
- Choose your final slogan and use it in your logo, signs and print material.
Elections for school board often have low voter turnout. It’s important to stand out from your opponents. A catchy slogan can boost your exposure and help you win your election.

Start your website for school board with Online Candidate. We’ve got the expertise, the resources, and the affordability you need to win. Contact us today to get started!
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