Despite everything that is going on in the world today, primary and general elections are still on their way. Even if it’s summertime, it’s no time for a vacation. Political campaigns of all types need to get organized and fired up.
This is especially true for local campaigns. They often tend to do less as members of the team take vacations and do family activities during the warm weather. One way to motivate yourself and your colleagues is to hold a “summer kickoff” event: This could be as simple as having everyone bring their families out and have a picnic.
It’s important to keep in contact with your organization. During the summer months, it’s easy to let things slip and assume you will pick things up around Labor Day. This is an election year like no other. Candidates and organizations must adapt to the changing nature of offline and online campaigning.
As we head into the summer months, we’ve put together a selection of articles to help kick off your campaign.
- Opening a Bank Account For Your Political Campaign
Raising money and managing expenses is an critical part of the election process. Opening a campaign bank account is a first step in establishing a viable political campaign. - Political Website Domains and Hosting – What To Know
This free guide provides an overview on the basics of domain name registration and website hosting for political campaigns. - Digital Marketing Ideas For Political Campaigns
Some campaign marketing strategies are affordable, others are more expensive. Here are some of the most popular online advertising options available today. - 5 Online Ways To Connect With Voters
Here are five things your campaign can do right now to connect with voters during this uncertain time. - Using Facebook Live for Your Political Campaign
For local political candidates, the shift from door-to-door canvassing and in-person fundraising events to online-only campaigning has been particularly jarring. Now video is more important than ever… - Online Candidate Quickstart Guide
Get pre-order answers, campaign website setup information, launch tips, and options for your site. - Listen Up! It’s Our Running For Office Podcast
Download and listen to our podcast series, Running for Office as an Online Candidate. - One-On-One Consultation for Your Political Campaign
We now offer personalized, one-on-one consulting sessions to help you with your digital campaign.
Don’t wait! With our affordable political website packages, you can start your online campaign today. Backed by easy to use tools and exclusive resources, we help hundreds of campaigns WIN every election cycle.