We’re excited to introduce our latest tool: “Ready to Run for Office? Self-Assessment Survey.” This tool is for aspiring politicians and campaign trailblazers. It’s here to help you assess if you are ready to launch and run a... Read More
A slate website is a way of promoting multiple candidates running for a multi-seat election. The candidates are typically from the same party or align together on major campaign issues. In essence, they become a ‘slate’ of candidates,... Read More
What’s in a name? If you are running for office, it should be consistency.
For example, if you are appearing on the ballot as “John Quincy Smith,” don’t promote yourself as “John Smith” or “John Q. Smith.” Your political... Read More
We get it. You likely have a full-time job that keeps you busy. And depending on the elected position and the circumstances of your race, you may not need to run a 24/7 campaign.
But if you are going to run for office, you need to understand what you... Read More
This year, there was a candidate in our area who managed everything herself. It was basically a one-person operation. She encountered early problems in organizing volunteers and raising funds. Volunteer interest waned as time went on. The problems... Read More